People love their pets and consider them part of the family. Even during a recession, 81 billion was spent on pet care worldwide. Wouldn’t it be great to be the one most people turn to for their pet care needs?
Pet Owners Use Search Engines to Find Veterinarians
When people were asked to think about the last time they searched for health and medical information, as well as doctors or other health professionals, 77% said that they began at a search engine such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
Can pet owners find you online? Do your contact details show them clearly how to reach you? Do you also provide them with directions to your office for pet emergencies?
Can they find you on search engines at all?
Vets like You Need to Get a Mobile-friendly Website
And here’s something that’ll make you roll over:
- Fifty two percent (52%) of smartphone owners gather health information, as well as health-related services on their phones.
Is your website mobile-friendly?
Online Reviews are Essential for Pet Owners
A survey finds that of the 74% adults who use the Internet:
- Eighty percent (80%) of them have looked online for information about health topics such as specific diseases or treatments.
- Thirty four percent (34%) of Internet users have read someone else’s commentary or experience about health or medical issues on an online news group, website, or blog.
- And 25% of Internet users have watched an online video about health or medical issues.
Are there positive reviews about your practice online?
If your answer to any of these questions is “no,” you don’t need to claw your hair out. There’s a lot you can do to make your practice more searchable and accessible online—and most of all, appealing to your target patients. You can engage pet owners with treats via social media.
You can build and expand your own brand. We can help you with that.
Build and Expand your Veterinary Practice with our Help
We provide:
- Responsive Web Design
- Local Buzz
- Online Reputation Management
- Social Media Optimization
- PPC and Remarketing
- Website Audit
- Brand Establisher
- Brand Booster
- and much, much, more.
No need to beg or roll over, just fill out the form or call us for an appointment, and you will soon become every man’s best vet.